Teddy bear locations zombies in spaceland
Teddy bear locations zombies in spaceland

teddy bear locations zombies in spaceland

NOTE: There is also a portal in the Atferlife Arcade that will return you to the Cosmic Way portal.

  • Triton - within the Polar Peak (#8) area.
  • Journey Into Space - within the Astrocade (#2) area.
  • teddy bear locations zombies in spaceland

    Journey Into Space - within the Rover Rampage (#6) area.Kepler - within the Moonlight Cafe (#13) area.These portals can be found in the following locations: There are four portals around the map which can be used to return to the center of the map (Cosmic Way). NOTE: New players! There is also a power switch in the spawn area behind the Quick Revive machine for lowering the barricades in the first door. Triton - from the Spawn area, make your way to the back area, "Triton", then go through the area until you reach the Polar Peak (#8) area, then go up the slope to the very top area (to the top of all slopes) where the power switch is located.Journey Into Space - from the Spawn area, make your way to the left area, "Journey Into Space", then go through the area until you reach the Astrocade (#2) area where the power switch is located.Journey Into Space - from the Spawn area, make your way to the left area, "Journey Into Space", then go through the area until you reach the Rover Rampage (#6) area where the power switch is located.Kepler - from the Spawn area, make your way to the right area, "Kepler", then go up the ramp and to the left until you locate Moonlight Cafe (#13) and the power switch will be at the top of the staircase leading to the cafe.

    teddy bear locations zombies in spaceland


    Using the map provided, use this accordingly! (clicking on the areas will now show a highlighted picture of the generator in-game)

    Teddy bear locations zombies in spaceland